Hamas’ Killing of Young Palestinian Mother & Head of HEAL Palestine: What It Says About Hamas’ Systems & Ideology

Hamas’ Killing of Young Palestinian Mother & Head of HEAL Palestine: What It Says About Hamas’ Systems & Ideology
Islam Hejazy, a 30-year-old mother of two young children, and head of HEAL Palestine, Executed by Hamas Gunmen in Three Vehicles. She was shot with over 90 Bullets.

On September 26, 2024, a young mother of two young children, Islam Hejazy was killed by Hamas terrorists. She was the program director of a US charity active in Gaza, HEAL Palestine. She had dedicated her life to helping Gazan civilians after the October 7 War began. Yet, a hail of 90 bullets was shot at the car of the 30-year-old mother outside the Jordanian Hospital in Khan Younis.

Gunmen in three vehicles killed Islam Hejazy in a drive-by shooting. Her family was told by "government parties" at the hospital where her bloodsoaked bullet-ridden body was taken that the assassination was a “mistake."[1]. Meanwhile, the gunmen in the three vehicles were not identified. Whoever gave the command was not identified.

Thus, the execution of Islam Hejazy remains shrouded in mystery with so many unknowns.

The family has expressed shock and disbelief in the explanations provided by the government officials who the Hamas administration employs.[2]. Critics of Hamas identify that there was malicious intent aimed at intimidating and eliminating her.

What is known is that after Hamas came under serious military pressure from the Israeli military after the October 7 War began, the group tightened its grip on aid organizations providing resources to the Gaza Strip.[3]. Now, it is in an era of shadow warfare and shadow governance. Hamas seeks to use every available resource at its disposal to maintain military positions and control over the people and spaces of Gaza.[4].

Since 2006 and 2007, when Hamas used the alibi of attacking Israel to seize and hold on to power, the militant group has used violence and intimidation to control all organizations and entities in the Strip. Aid organizations, international civil institutions, and nongovernmental organizations have been forced to work under the command and control of Hamas in their pursuit of their military goals and ends.

Typically, Hamas achieves its end by putting Hamas members in sensitive positions of these international aid organizations and NGOs to siphon money into the group's accounts.[5]. This money allows Hamas to hold on to power and steer ordinary Gazans onto their violent path of waging continuous wars against Israel. This is a cycle no one can escape in Gaza, especially at a time when the only aid and money coming in enters through a few selected organizations and persons.

So, was Islam Hejazy killed because she withheld civilian aid and money to fund Hamas’ wars?

Ynet News answers in the affirmative. They present evidence that shows that a radical unit within the Hamas organization authorized the execution.[6]. The publication goes further to identify that this is not the first time Hamas has executed a refusenik for denying their request to divert aid funds into their war efforts.

While other submissions on the issue leave a lot to be desired, it is clear that no one feels safe enough in Gaza to open up about the true motive for the killing. After all, in a small space led by a shadow war machine controlled by Hamas members, no one is safe.

For the average Gazan, dying in the hands of Israeli soldiers is preferable to death in the hands of Hamas because their corpses are likely to be desecrated and their families put to perpetual shame if they are executed for opposing Hamas. Thus, keeping quiet is a much better alternative for any Gazan who wants to live.

In conclusion, the killing of 30-year-old Islam Hejazy opens a can of worms that indicates how Hamas has been able to fire rockets at Israel repeatedly for over a year and maintained attacks on Israeli soldiers on the Strip for more than 14 months. Israel's heavy military pressure and caps on aid have forced them to become stricter in seeking funds from the few sources of money and aid. Islam Hejazy appears to be at the center of this debacle, and evidence points to the fact that she might have been murdered for her refusal to allow Hamas to siphon civilian aid into their military ventures.

[1] Nidal Al-Mughrabi. “Gunmen shoot and kill aid worker in Gaza, charity and family say” Reuters. Published: September 27, 2024. Available at: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gunmen-shoot-kill-aid-worker-gaza-charity-family-say-2024-09-27/

[2] Alwatan Voice. "Hejazi family issues statement to public opinion regarding the killing of their daughter." Published: September 27, 2024. Available at: https://www.alwatanvoice.com/arabic/news/2024/09/27/1541178.html

[3] Alicia Nieves. "Tragic death of aid worker underscores Gaza’s postwar challenge" The Atlantic Council. Published: October 24, 2024. Available at: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/aid-work-hamas-gaza-postwar-challeng/

[4] Devorah Margolin & Neomi Neumann. "Countering Hamas’s Shadow Governance in Gaza" The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Published: October 25, 2024. Available at: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/countering-hamass-shadow-governance-gaza

[5] Alicia Nieves. "Tragic death of aid worker underscores Gaza’s postwar challenge" The Atlantic Council. Published: October 24, 2024. Available at: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/aid-work-hamas-gaza-postwar-challeng/

[6] Einav Halabi. "Hamas terrorists murder Gazan mother after refusing to give charity funds" Ynet News. Published: September 27, 2024. Avalable at: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ry00kqzera